Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Beginning

Dear Mother,

I am writing you this letter from the White Tower in the Great City of Tar Valon! It took seven days on the River Erinin to get here, though in truth, it seemed much longer. I know the Jealous Wife was the first ship out of Tear after that terrible day--but it was not a ship well suited for River travel--as its Captain reminded me throughout my journey. Regardless, between the bobbing, the constant stopping to sound the river bottom, and the Captain's foul mood, there were times I feared we would never reach the Shining Walls of Tar Valon. Finally...just as I had given up hope, the White Tower rose from the morning fog, and we slid into the harbor with the tide.

Tar Valon itself is an amazing city, such a place of beauty and excitement! Now, having walked the streets and touched the Shining Walls, I can believe that Ogier masons crafted it, for no human mason could carve such is as if the stone itself is alive. And the people here--I've seen folk from every corner of the land--and beyond. As I entered the market place that first day, I met two Aiel, a Seanchan noble, and an innkeeper named Mistress Munro from Two Rivers.

Mistress Munro has been particularly kind to me. It is she who interceded on my behalf and secured me a position in the White Tower. Her inn, called the Blue Cat, is a warm and welcoming place where folk come to meet and discuss the day's news. I've even seen Sisters from the White Tower sipping wine in the common room, their stoic warders standing behind them...nearly blending into the walls with those color-shifting cloaks of theirs. Black-coated Asha'men hang around outside, their faces dark as thunderclouds. Apparently Mistress Munro insulted their leader, and they aren't permitted to enter the Inn under his edict. It hasn't seemed to bother Mistress Munro though, she seems as cheerful and friendly as any innkeeper I've met. In fact, nothing seems to trouble Mistress Munro.

My new home in the Tower is a servicable cot near kitchens. Though not fancy, it's fine enough for my purposes. My service to the sisters will no doubt give me more insight into their world. I will write more soon. In the meantime, please be assured that I have landed safely and found work to keep me occupied. I will write as I'm able, though the Sisters keep me busy from morning til night.

Your loving and obedient daughter,


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